Home/About/Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Our ZERO TO THREE leadership team takes a unique multidisciplinary approach to child development.

They bring together the perspectives of many fields, and their expertise is rooted in all domains of development—social, emotional, intellectual, language, and physical. The ZERO TO THREE management team and Board of Directors work together to promote children’s overall health and well-being in the context of family and culture.

Board Officers

Tammy Mann Headshot

Tammy Mann

Vice President

Michael R. Olenick Headshot

Michael R. Olenick

Chair, Committee on the Board

Brenda Jones Harden Headshot

Brenda Jones Harden

Immediate Past President

Matthew Melmed, Executive Director

Matthew Melmed

Executive Director

Board of Directors

Lee Beers

Lee Beers

Medical Director, Community Health and Advocacy, Children’s National Hospital

Abel Covarrubias

Abel Covarrubias

Founder and CEO, Aprendamos Intervention Team

Felicia DeHaney Headshot

Felicia DeHaney

Director of Program and Strategy, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Chandra Ghosh Ippen Headshot

Chandra Ghosh Ippen

Associate Director of the Child Trauma Research Program, University of California, San Francisco

Mary Margaret Gleason Headshot

Mary Margaret Gleason

Division Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Eastern Virginia Medical School & Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters

Aimee Hilado_high res Photo

Aimee Hilado

Assistant Professor, University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice
Kathy Hirsh Pasek

Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

Professor of Psychology, Temple University and Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Jon Korfmacher Headshot

Jon Korfmacher

Senior Research Fellow, Chapin Hall at University of Chicago

Andrew N. Meltzoff Headshot

Andrew N. Meltzoff

Co-Director, Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS)

Michelle Meyercord

Michelle Meyercord

VP of Programs, Dalio Philanthropies

Catherine Monk Headshot

Catherine Monk

Professor, Medical Psychology, Columbia University


Joy Osofsky

Paul J. Ramsay Endowed Chair of Psychiatry and Barbara Lemann Professor of Child Welfare, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans

Helen H. Raikes

Helen H. Raikes

Willa Cather Professor Emeritus of Child, Youth, and Family Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Michelle Sarche

Michelle Sarche

Associate Professor, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health

Kandace Thomas

Kandace Thomas

Inaugural Executive Director of First 8 Memphis, Memphis and Shelby County
Barbara Thompson Headshot

Barbara Thompson

Former Director, Office of Military Family Readiness Policy, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy

H. Marcel Wright Headshot

H. Marcel Wright

Vice President - Care Delivery, Forefront Telecare

Board Emeritus​


Alicia F. Lieberman

Director, Child Trauma Research Program, San Francisco General Hospital

Samuel J. Meisels Headshot

Samuel J. Meisels

Founding Executive Director, University of Nebraska's Buffett Early Childhood Institute

Anne Pleshette Murphy

Ann Pleshette Murphy

Parenting Educator and Counselor

Dodie Norton

Dr. Dolores (Dodie) Norton

Professor Emerita, University of Chicago

Kyle Pruett

Kyle D. Pruett

Yale School of Medicine

Arnold J. Sameroff Headshot

Arnold J. Sameroff

Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan

Jack P. Shonkoff Headshot

Jack P. Shonkoff

Founding Director, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

Charles H. Zeanah Jr.

Charles H. Zeanah Jr.

Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics , Tulane University School of Medicine

Founding Members

Leon J. Yarrow Headshot

Leon J. Yarrow


Edward Zigler Headshot

Edward Zigler
